Our Solution
If your business is in construction or mining and you have to manage your plant equipment which is hired out. Activities Genie is the perfect solution to keep track of your plant movements. These areas of high risk need paperless controls to make sure you are being billed correctly for your plant requirement.
Keeping good control of your diesel costs is often a challenge which we have overcome with our diesel processing controls, from bulk diesel purchases, bowser diesel dispensed and diesel in and issued at multiple site / locations.
With our easy to use solution Activities Genie has got you covered. Developed and powered by Blue Banana Software we have extensive software development in helping companies manage their businesses easier.
Activities Genie has been built as a basic framework to plug into your business to help keep control of your high risk movements, being plant hire and diesel. There will be an initial setup fee to get your Activities Genie operational with any additional key requirements needed in order to get the power and control at your finger tips.
Administrator roles take the initial control on setting up your, sites, plants, suppliers in additional to your module setup, the user access can be managed by Site Managers. Contracts Managers or Site Clerks. These roles can be given to users with access to limited sites / locations.
Our diesel module consists of 3 key processes
- Diesel purchases
- Diesel bowser dispersion
- Diesel in and issed on site / locations
Logging plan time
- First create your sites / locations.
- Create your plant / equipment register.
- Now you are ready to create your plant hire schedule for any plant / equipment that requires daily activities logged per site / location the plant is allocated to within the date range set for the plant hire.
- Daily plant logs which need to be completed by your team on their specific sites / locations if the plant hiring is active for use.
Diesel bowser dispersion
Manage your bowser diesel, by logging the current litres in the bowser and the additional litres purchased, then log your diesel output.
Diesel purchases
When you make a diesel purchase from a supplier, you can log the purchase and link which sites the diesel will be issued to.
Diesel in and issued
Control your diesel in (received) and issued to plant / equipment on your sites / locations.
What to expect
Log daily plant movements to keep track of your plant hiring costs at different site / locations.
Manage all diesel purchases, receiving and dispensing at different site / locations.
Keep close control of your diesel issuing at various site / locations.
© Activities Genie 2025 | Powered by Blue Banana Software